How To Ensure Your Landing Page Boosts Your Business

As you’ve probably already been told 1 thousand times if you’re considering one, landing pages are your best friend when it comes to maximising your Marketing conversions. Whether you’re using it in conjunction with Google Ads, Facebook Advertising, or part of an Email Marketing strategy, your ability to get a certain reaction or action from a reader increases when your landing page is configured correctly. 

We’ve drawn on our experience to pull together the following points you need to tick off if your landing page is going to be a competition crusher.

Careful With Your Content

Careful With Your Content

When you’re getting started, forget all of the fancy stuff about sales psychology, you just want your written content to be as readable as possible. Use big, bold headings to let your visitor know exactly what they’re about to read, and then use subheadings to break up your text. 

It’s also a good idea to echo any important points or offers that your reader may have seen prior to visiting your landing page. Continuity will help to strengthen your message, and will lift your legitimacy in the eyes of the reader.

Remember Your Goal

Remember Your Goal

Always remember that your landing page has a concrete goal. If it doesn’t, you probably need to go back to the drawing board. Staying on the content theme, every last word you write needs to try and nudge a viewer towards this goal. Some success stories, or a brief paragraph on your point of difference can be useful, but don’t waffle on and lose the reader’s interest.

The best way to ensure an action is taken is to make it blindingly obvious how beneficial this is going to be to your potential Customers. If you’re offering a free trial or other special offer don’t get bogged down in exactly which features the trail comes with or how the signup process works. Instead, focus on really emphasizing just how much pleasure this free trial is going to bring the lucky recipient.

Set The Right Tone

Set The Right Tone

Although pushing people too hard isn’t going to get you the result you want, your tone needs to be proactive enough to encourage people to take action. Emphasising just how great your offer is, or reinforcing that there is a strict limit on time/ number of giveaways is a great way to prompt a reader to take that final step. 

Extend this thought process throughout your landing page. Rather than a button simply titled ‘submit’, go for something more alluring like ‘Get me my free trial’, or ‘Send me my E Book now’. As long as you’re not going overboard, it’s okay to write convincingly. 

Finally, don’t forget that your goal isn’t just to get people to take action, it’s to get them to do it right here and right now. The chances of people returning to your page in the future to fill something out are next to none. Write in a way that encourages them to get everything done now, and make sure you’ve made it simple for them to do that. 

Pulling together landing pages is an exciting time for your Business because it can be the start of a real period of more Leads, more Customers, and more Sales. The pointers above will give you a great foundation.