How To Write An Alluring Email Newsletter

While the average person receives 88 emails a day, Email Marketing still tops the list of powerful and effective marketing strategies.

Email click-through rates are higher than the click-through rate of Google’s search network and Facebook advertising combined! So you can bet sending your audience these Emails really be a very cost effective marketing method.
But you’ll have to do more than simply sending out a quick email in the hopes it will work wonders.

There are certain aspects of your emails that you’ll need to consider carefully. Otherwise the consequences of sending out messy, rushed, emails without purpose in the hope for a quick ROI could result in you losing your audience and potentially more people clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ button than the content of your emails.

Let’s get into what you can do to enhance your email newsletters and knock the socks off your audience.

Simple and Focused

Simple and Focused

If reading this has started to get you excited and you think you’re ready to send through an Email and see some results, think again!

We’re so glad this blog is inspiring you, but it’s important to only send an email if you have something to say. A common mistake is sending emails at a set time every week, regardless of whether what is being said is of importance. You risk losing subscribers using this strategy, and your emails instead should be short, sweet and straight to the point of why they’re being sent in the first place.

Focus on that key message of your Email and no fluffing about allowed! Keep your audience engaged and able to understand the product, service, or offer that you’re emailing about.

Deliver Content Specific To Your Audience

Deliver Content Specific To Your Audience

When you’re creating content, what’s at the forefront of your mind? We can bet it would most likely be your audience. And it doesn’t change when you’re creating your email newsletter. Your audience must once again be what you’re focusing on. You’re writing for your readers, they’re who you’re appealing to. So don’t write for your colleagues or manager, think instead of the context for which you’re writing.

What’s the topic? What are we offering? What’s the focal point? What are the readers getting out of this email? What do they want out of this email?

The way you write the content is of importance as well. Naturally you’ll be aiming for high-quality copy, but you must contemplate the style too. In the case of an email newsletter, we recommend using language which can evoke the feeling of reading a message from a friend. There’s nothing like a bland email with no personality to turn someone right off.

Design Is Not The Star

Design Is Not The Star

We can already hear all the design lovers getting angry at the title of this next section. Before we get stuck in an argument, let us explain! We love design as much as you do, but in the case of an email newsletter, your aim here is the click-through rate.

It’s true that your audience is making a judgement within seconds based on the look of your email, but that’s not the point of your email. It’s the Call To Action, clever copy, and email subject hook lines that are going to reel in your audience.

You definitely still need to invest in good design, looks are important in the Digital Marketing world, but your copy should be the primary focus of the email.

Measure Click-Through Rates

Measure Click-Through Rates

Lastly, you can’t get anywhere without analysing some data. It’s time to do some research into your past email newsletters. It’s going to give you some handy advice to work with when you’re constructing your new ideas.

Measure which emails are working and which aren’t. Which are being opened? What are their defining factors? Which parts of the Email are being clicked?

It’s going to give you a solid indication into what drives your audience and hopefully trigger some ideas for your next newsletters.

Never underestimate the power of the email! You can use the above tips to ace your next email newsletter and keep your audience engaged every time they open your email. They’ll be thinking twice about going near that ‘Unsubscribe’ button!