When Are You Getting PPC?

Let’s face it. Getting your Website ranked organically on Search Engines can be a long and drawn out process. This is because it takes time for Google to analyse and ‘crawl’ your Website to determine where exactly you should be ranked when a user types in a certain Keyword or phrase. Yes, there’s no denying that trying to generate organic traffic takes time, and here at Sites n Stores we know that, for every Small Business Owner, time is money.

Rather than waiting around for the 3 to 6 months that it usually takes to start seeing results from Search Engine Optimisation, you’re likely wanting fast, guaranteed results from your Digital Marketing strategy; a cost effective and lower risk investment that’s sustainable and will generate those sales. And that’s where Pay per Click comes in!

A Recap On PPC

A Recap On PPC

You may have heard a bit about this Digital Marketing Powerhouse before, but let’s refresh your memory. PPC is all about purchasing advertising space for targeted Keywords on Search Engine result pages. But it’s not the advertising you’re really paying for, it’s the traffic, or the clicks, to be more specific. You’re paying for searchers to click on your Website to ultimately convert into a sale. PPC uses specific Keywords relevant to your business to land your Website a top-ranking spot on the results page. You’re probably thinking ‘Should I get PPC?’ Well, if you’ve never considered it before, you better start now

Why Every Small Business Should Have PPC

Firstly, do you know where your business is ranked compared to your competitors on a Search Engine results page? Well to give you an idea, 95.3% of average Website clicks from Google go to the sites located in the top 4 results. And how did those Businesses land themselves in the top 4 results? You guess it! They’re there because of PPC.

When it comes down to it, if you’re not in those top results, you could be shooting yourself in the foot. We’ve figured out the maths for you, and basically this means there is less than 5% of customers continuing to look past the top 4 results. And even more worryingly, you need to share this 5% with your other competitors. This will seriously reduce your chances of making a sale. Ultimately, not having PPC means you’re losing Business.

Are You Hesitating?

If you’re still not convinced, let’s clear up some things. As a Small Business Owner, you might be hesitant about trying a new Digital Marketing Strategy that you’re not familiar with. Even if you kind of understand what PPC is about, you may not know how it will work for you or if it will fit into your budget. And we totally understand that. Investing in something new can be a stressful thing! But ultimately, when it comes to PPC, this hesitation could be costing you sales by the second.

When developing a PPC Campaign, you’re in complete control. You have the power to target specific demographics at whatever time or location you want. This is such an important feature when turning leads into sales. Let’s say you’re a Plummer based in Melbourne, you don’t want customers clicking on your Website from Queensland or overseas, as these clicks will essentially be a waste of money.

By making informed choices on who you’re targeting, you can be confident that clicks through to your Website will most likely convert into sales because you’re specifically targeting people who really want to buy your product!

You Actually Can Afford it

If you’re asking yourself whether or not you can afford PPC, maybe the better question is whether you can afford not to do it! But if you are on a very tight budget, you can invest accordingly. Remember: You won’t be charged until someone clicks on to your site, and when they do chances are they’ll be a very willing customer. Because PPC allows you to be so specific in your targeting, you’re unlikely to have random searchers clicking through to your Website. Instead, you’ll see people flocking to your site with one intention – to buy.

While it will be an additional initial cost to your Business, you need to think about the long term. PPC is an investment that can see you receiving MASSIVE Return on investment. For example, picture yourself as a Small Business Owner who sells beautiful evening gowns. You’re paying $2 per click for the Key Phrase “evening gown retailers Richmond” and someone sees your add at the top result on Google and clicks through to your Website. The shopper is wowed by your beautiful designs and purchases two dresses immediately, both at $350 a pop. So, for that measly cost of just $2, you’ve made yourself a cool $700. That’s a profit of $698, which is pretty darn good if you ask us! And that’s the incredible power of PPC! Sure, it has a cost, but a cost that puts you above your competitors and ultimately boosts your revenue is worth the investment.

With instant and measurable results, the advantages of PPC definitely outweigh the relatively small financial commitment. It’s an integral part of Online Marketing and something your business needs to succeed in today’s competitive Online climate. When you really start to think about it, the question shouldn’t be ‘Should I get Pay Per Click?’, but ‘When am I getting Pay Per Click?’

So, What to Do Next?

In order to kick-start your Small Business’s Online success and begin converting traffic into sales, we strongly suggest jumping on the PPC bandwagon as soon as possible! Knowing where to get started can be tough, we know. But at Sites n Stores, we’re here to lend a helping hand! As a Google Certified business, our team of professional PPC gurus know exactly how to get you that return on investment better than anyone else. They’ll set up a Campaign tailored to your Business and select Keywords that directly target your ideal market. So, when are you getting PPC? The answer is now. >Call us today on 1300 769 530 to kick start your PPC success!