How To Write A Killer blog In 5 Steps

Ah, blogs. We know you might have been putting this off for a while, because the hardest part about writing a blog is to put your fingers on the keyboard and type out that first word. 

We’ve been there! Our advice comes from first-hand experience of blog creation, and we want to share our knowledge with you. 

Like most Digital Marketing strategies, there’s a lot of things that will be going into your blog writing. Planning, skills, research, and a large amount of thought will all be necessary, but we’ve compiled the steps to take to make the process as simple as possible for you.

Pragmatic Planning

Pragmatic Planning

You may think that writing a blog could take a couple of hours give or take, but it’s very possible the creation of your blog post could take much longer. The planning stage shouldn’t be overlooked! And if you’re strategising correctly, it could take more time than you anticipated. Firstly, you’ll need to choose the topic. We recommend going with something you’re passionate about! If you’re not enjoying writing it, then chances are your audience aren’t enjoying reading it. If it’s an area you’re well versed in, that will also make writing the blog an easier task.  Once your brilliant blog topic has been decided, an outline should be your next focus. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or detailed, just list each subheading within your blog with which information will go where. It will mean you’re set up and organised when it comes to actually sitting down (or standing up, however you like to do your writing!) and getting your writing onto the page.        The professionalism of a blog (and other elements such as SEO) do matter for your readers. This means research is necessary! Using statistics and facts to quote and backlink not only add to your Digital Marketing methods, but give your brand authority.    But be warned! If you’re adding in stats and facts, ensure they’re high-quality and from reputable sources. Your planning is going to save you time in the long run, and will overall boost the quality of your blog, don’t neglect it!
Attention Grabbing Headlines

Attention Grabbing Headlines

The first impression you make is most likely going to be via the headline of your blog! Similarly to clickbait, your aim is to draw your audience in, convincing them to read your blog.  Deciding upon your headline could occur before you begin writing, but also can come about once you’ve decided upon your outline and finished your writing. Neither method is superior, choose which works best for you during your blog writing process. Also think about your target audience. What sort of headline would instantly pique their interest? What sort of content are they currently consuming? What do they want to read about? You’re writing for them, not for you.  Entice your readers to read your blog, attracting them to your Site and engaging them with your brand.
Writing That Engages

Writing That Engages

The most difficult part of the blog operation is of course when you need to knuckle down and begin to write.  It’s certainly no one’s favourite, including us. But by this stage you should have made your plan and outline, so it shouldn’t be as daunting as starting from complete scratch. Begin with your introduction. Similar to the headline, your introduction needs to inspire and convince your audience to continue reading. It doesn’t take long for a reader to lose interest, keep them there with a strong intro. It can even help to write the main paragraphs of your blog and leave your introduction to last once you’ve written the main points of your topic. In terms of your writing style, we’ll leave that up to you! Everyone has their own technique with writing. Think back to your university or school days. Do you find getting it all done in one block was best? Or maybe taking small breaks and getting it completed in a few days is what works for you? The one thing we suggest is getting as much as you can done in one sitting. You’ll retain your thoughts and be in the zone, so it’s nice to get it out of the way! As we mentioned earlier, you’re writing for your audience. So consider them while you’re writing your blog. Let them influence your style and consider their demographics and personality.
Exhaustive Editing

Exhaustive Editing

Editing may seem like the easy part compared to writing, but it shouldn’t be scoffed at. While you are looking for grammatical and spelling errors, you also need to be aware of any repetition or flow issues Using an extra pair of eyes to go over your work is highly recommended, as they’ll be able to pick out these issues with a clearer focus.
Adding in the Extras

Adding in the Extras

If you saw a blog post with nothing but a big wall of text, more than likely you’ll be exiting that page fairly quickly. Using images and visual stimuli within your blog will draw your audience’s eye and keep them engaged for longer.

Images can be used to break up paragraphs and get across a certain point or be used as an example to your text to add a real flair of professionalism to your blog.


Writing a blog is no easy feat, we know that. But if you follow our steps, take it slow and put in the work, we believe you’ll be mastering the art of blogging and bringing in extra traffic to your Site in no time.