To put it simply, Search Engine Optimisation is just a term for all the tricks and tools you can use to ensure that your Website is as visible as possible on Search Engine results pages, such as Google. And who doesn’t want to appear higher on Google, right?
Think about the well-known brands that dominate the first page of Google results whenever you search for general phrases, like “men’s runners” or “women’s workout gear”. Chances are, you will have heard of almost all of the brands that populate Google’s first page of results. What you may not know however, is just how much work these companies have put into achieving these results.
Whilst the resources available to Small and Medium Business Owners probably won’t be quite up to the same level as, say, Nike, there are still a number of simple things you can be doing to make sure your SEO Campaign is attracting as many eyeballs as possible.
So, if you believed it was only the big Businesses who could make it onto the first page of Google, think again! Follow the three pointers below and you’ll be going a long way towards drastically improving your SEO success.
Have a Good, Hard Think about Your Keywords
Put Yourself in the Customer’s Shoes
It’s ALWAYS useful to try to imagine what your potential customers will be searching for or needing when they search for a Business like yours. Try to paint a picture of who your average customer is and consider how they might typically search Online for the products or services you offer.
A common trap Small Business Owners fall into when strategising their SEO Keywords is being too technical. Instead, try to avoid industry jargon and choose phrases that your potential customers are likely to be typing into Google.
For instance, if you own a business that provides pool cleaning chemicals directly to retail customers, make sure your Keywords aren’t so specific that you exclude the average pool owner from being able to find you. Is your average customer searching for “2.5kg Soda Ash pH Increaser” or are they searching for “buy cheap pool chemicals West Perth”?
Use this as a starting point, and you should be well on your way to building a potent Keyword List.