Getting your shiny, new Ecommerce store Online with all of your very best product pictures and descriptions is an important step on your path to success. However, if you’re expecting to build a Site and start selling straight away, you might need to rein your ambitions in a little. If you’re going to succeed you need to be getting people to land on your Site. And in order to make that happen, you need to be doing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
SEO is the Online equivalent of foot traffic past your store. Unless you’re in the enviable position of being able to survive and thrive purely on referrals, you’ve got a need for new Customers. SEO allows you to get your Online store seen by those people who are searching for exactly the goods and services you provide.
The 3 points below should give you a pretty good idea of why you’ve got to get your SEO going for your Ecommerce store.
SEO Gets You Seen
We’ve already touched on it, but SEO is your way to get yourself seen Online. Don’t forget that there’s probably a ton of other people out there trying to sell the same products and services, what’s going to set you apart is your ability to meet the people who are looking to buy.
Around 90% of people will use a Search Engine to research a purchase before parting with their hard-earned dollars. This stat tells you exactly how important it is to be getting yourself up the results pages. If you’re not doing everything you can to attract interest, you’re leaving all that potential money on the table. It’s unlikely your competitors are acting as unselfishly.
Start embracing SEO as an opportunity to meet potential buyers, and to cut your competitors off at the source.
SEO Is The Most Cost-Effective Option Out There
As a Small Business Owner your budgeting and spending probably costs you a fair few hours of sleep each week. We’re in the same boat, we get it. This makes your choice of SEO even more important, because it’s honestly the most cost-effective method of generating sales.
Although you probably are going to require a bit of professional help, the price of this doesn’t need to be exorbitant. Additionally, the real beauty of good SEO campaigns is the way they can feed their own growth. Once your Site climbs the rankings a little, you’ll get more people landing on your Site. If these people stick around and indicate to Google that this was a pretty good choice, you’ll climb the rankings again, and the circle of life is established. In terms of affordability this can mean that over the time the same investment yields greater and greater returns.
You Can Target People Ready To Buy
Beyond the use of keywords which are highly relevant to your industry and products, you can also get clever with your keywords and try to lure those who are ready to purchase. For example, somebody searching ‘build website for my business’ is going to be more likely to convert than the average person who has searched ‘does my business need a website’.
Be savvy with your choice of keywords and you might be able to snare some Site visitors who are ready to swap their cash for your products.
The 3 points above are a brief introduction to why SEO for your Ecommerce Site is a no brainer. Yes, there are an intimidating number of things you need to be doing in order to drum up sales, but SEO has got to be right up there at the top of that list.