You’re a Small Business Owner, and you need to make sure your Marketing budget is working as hard as it possibly can for you. Getting your Ads going is an achievement in itself, but there’s no way you’ve managed to get everything perfect on your first go at it.
Although there a fair few things to consider when it comes to getting everything purring, there’s no need to get lost in the fiddly details or the technical mumbo jumbo.
This Blog talks through you a couple of the more urgent areas you need to address to ensure your Google Shopping is working for you.
Divide By Device
If you’ve been running your Ads for long enough to generate a bit of historical data, it’s time you had a look at how you perform on Mobile versus Desktop devices. Depending on what you’re actually selling, it’s highly likely you’re going to see that your Ads generate a better return on one of these platforms. If you have data clearly showing where you’re overachieving, you want to try and maximise the amount of money spent on that platform.
For example, if I’m selling high-end televisions, although people do research using their phone, when it comes to making a thousand dollar purchase, they tend to do it from their desktop computer. In this instance I might increase the percentage of my spend that goes to desktops. However, I still want to be capturing some of those people who are researching on their Mobiles so I’ll definitely leave some spend there.
Make The Most Of Titles
Look, we know that writing product titles can be a time-consuming task, and just pulling across your existing ones from your Site saves you the hassle, but you don’t really want to be doing this. Google Shopping gives you up to 150 characters to sculpt a winning title, and there’s no reason not to use all of them.
Although an abridged title will show alongside the thumbnail, if somebody hovers over your Ad they’ll get the full title to read through, which gives you more space to entice them into clicking.
Spend Where You Can Get A Return
In the first point we talked about the need to allocate your budget to the devices that generate you sales. The same is true at a product level. As a general rule of thumb, you should always begin a shopping campaign by focusing on one or two of your most popular products. As you gradually expand, keep a keen on eye on which products are performing well for you. If one product seems to be the star of the show, then don’t be afraid to up the amount of spend you’re allocating to it.
It might be that your best instore seller and your best Online seller are completely different. If you see a trend emerging make sure you capitalize on it wisely.
As you’ve probably guessed, there are a ton of different ways to alter and optimise your Google Shopping Ads. The three points above give you a great starting point to make sure you’re on the right track.