8 Tips for Creating More Effective Instagram Video Ads

Instagram is, without a doubt, one of the most important social platforms around. Since its launch in 2010, this highly popular app has seen exponential  growth, from just a million users during its first two months on the market, to over 400 million daily active users today! It’s grown into a global community of more than 400 million accounts that passionately share 80 million photos and videos daily. According to statistics posted by Instagram’s parent company Facebook, Instagram users have already shared 30 billion photos, and dole out 4.5 billion likes a day.

Let’s get to know Instagram a little bit better before we discuss why you should use it for advertising, and how you can create more effective video ads.

What is Instagram and what does it do?

What is Instagram and what does it do?

To put it simply, Instagram is a way of capturing and sharing images and videos. It’s a social network that places a massive emphasis on the visual, and provides a platform for people to post and share content. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram allows users to post photos that can be edited with a variety of filters to make their content stand out and be more visually captivating.

Although there are many other social media platforms, not a lot of them promote the kind of instant and visually rich communication that Instagram does. Instagram is not only popular, it’s also a source of unlimited marketing potential.

Creating Powerful Instagram Ads

Once you’ve set up an account, had a look round, and decided that advertising on Instagram is for you, you want to make sure you’re doing it right. Follow the 8 tips below and you should be on the path to success.

1. Know your Strategy

Before crafting your video ad, create a strategy that details what you want to accomplish with your advertisement. Take time to note particulars such as what you’ll be promoting with your ad, what you’re hoping to accomplish, and how you’ll measure the success of your ad.

2. Consider your Audience

Understand your audience carefully. You want to know what their goals are, why they should care about your ad, and how you’re going to deliver your content to them so that they engage.

3. Make an Instant Impact

Make sure the first three seconds of your ad compel Instagram users to stop and pay attention to you. Time can be sparse in the fast-scrolling world of Instagram. you need to be doing everything you can to hook potential viewers in the first few seconds of your video. If you’re not doing it there’ll be a dozen other people in their feed who are.

4. Make use of Dynamic Short Text

We can’t say it too many times… YOU NEED TO GRAB PEOPLE’S ATTENTION. Use dynamic short text in your video ads to highlight the main points that you don’t want any of your viewers to miss. Be careful to strike a balance; too much text is overwhelming and plain text can get boring.

5. Consider your Surroundings

One of the first things that’ll strike you about Instagram is just how clean and professional the feed is. With this in mind, try to create a video ad that subtly blends in with both the background and the other content that is populating your viewer’s feed. Use a bit of subtlety, and maybe conceal the fact that your content is actually an ad for those first crucial seconds.  Users are more likely to engage in posts that look like natural content.

6. Use your #Hashtags!

Create a hashtag that is specific to your brand and use it wherever you can. If your hashtag gains a bit of traction, it’ll become a great way of directing your followers and potential Customers to your content. You never know, it might just help you go viral.

7. Use a Call-to-Action

Without a call-to-action, all your ad is going to be doing is slowly building brand awareness. You need to be drawing your viewers to perform an action (the easiest method is by using the ‘Read More’ function that can pull viewers through to other pages or additional information) that increases their interaction with your brand.

8. Stay Realistic

Always go into any form of Advertising with realistic expectations. While Instagram video ads can do wonders for your Business, unless you’re committed to a long-term strategy, they’re unlikely to make a lasting impact. Aim to increase your followers, brand awareness, and Customer retention, but don’t expect to wake up a millionaire after running your first ad.

If you’ve got any questions about Instagram ads then give us a call, we’re here

to simplify Small Business Success.