If you’re a Small Business Owner, you can’t ignore Google My Business. You might expect to be up there with the best of the best simply by putting yourself out there Online. You’ve got a nice Website, that’s all you need, right? Wrong. If you’re wanting an Online presence in Google’s Search results, your first step is Google My Business.
You may have heard of Google AdWords, Google Shopping, or even Remarketing. These are all effective Digital Marketing tools created by Google to assist is Marketing your Business. But often Google My Business is the one little tool that is easily forgotten.
It’s often categorised as a side thought or something not as relevant just because it’s technically not a Digital Marketing tool. But these days, your Google My Business listing is more important than ever. And to really explain how crucial this Google tool is to your branding your Small Business, we’ve put together Your Ultimate Guide to Google My Business.
1. Business Details
Google My Business is essentially a Business listing. It encompasses the ‘on the surface’ details of your Small Business, and is your chance to make a great first impression to your potential customers. For starters, this listing details the main points of your Business.
Depending on the products or services you provide, it details your Business name, industry, contact details, Website link, menu link, opening hours, and delivery hours. This allows customers to get a google glimpse of your whole Business at just a glance.
It also allows your customers to contact you, or know when and how to visit you without digging through the contact page of your Website. To make this listing effective, it’s important to be thorough and provide as much detail as possible.
2. Images
Another handy feature of your Google My Business listing is the ability to include images. This could be images of your bricks and mortar shop, various products, your team, logo, whatever you feel like showing off to your potential customers.
It also allows you to provide a Google Map view of where you are located. This means people can click directly on the map within your listing and get directions to where you are in an instant. Typically, only a few images will display on the front listing so make sure you’re selecting relevant quality photos to display.
However, if customers want a deeper look, they can click through a view a whole album of selected image. Remember, this is your chance to showcase your offerings, so choose your images wisely.
3. Google Reviews
A very important element of your Google My Business listing are the Google Reviews. Any time a former or current customer leaves a review about your Business through Google, it will display on your listing. At a glance, it will display the average star rating of your Business and give the option to leave a review.
But if people choose to go deeper, they can read all past reviews and the star ratings they left. Now, this is an important feature to focus on. Customers commonly will decide whether or not to shop with a Business based on the public reputation of the brand.
Handy hint? To build up a good rating, ask and encourage your happy customers to leave you a review. This will be a good starting point for your brands reputation across Google My Business.
4. Public Feedback
Unlike your Website or Google AdWords, your Google My Business listing can be part edited by your customers. Users have the ability to suggest edits to all elements on your listing including your business details and images.
If a customer recognises that you open at 10am, but your opening hours states 11am, they have the ability to put in a claim to edit the listing. All suggested edits on your business details or images will come to you to either approve or deny.
The only edit that you don’t have control over are the reviews. All Google users have the ability to report reviews across Business listings. If they report a review based on spam, language, or illegitimate claims, the report will be sent directly to Google. Google will then review the report and make the decision whether or not to remove it.
Now you’ve got a breakdown of the Google My Business features. Here’s the best part! Unlike other Google Tools, setting up a Google My Business listing is free. But let us tell you, just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it’s easy. To create a successful Google My Business listing, you need to understand how to put your best foot forward. It’s also something you shouldn’t rush. Take your time to create a detailed and well thought out Google My Business listing. If you do this, the first impression of your Small Business via Google will be a good one.
So, do you have Google My Business? Maybe you do, but it’s not well thought out and needs a major overhaul? Or maybe you’re new to the game and need a little help with the set up. If you’re looking to brand your Small Business using Google My Business, contact us today and we’ll give you all the help you need.