When it comes to creating and maintaining a successful Website as a Small Business Owner, nothing beats a personal touch. In today’s digitally saturated world, more and more customers are searching for brands and Businesses that go the extra mile to give their Site visitors a more memorable, personalised experience. And with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as Chat Bots, this kind of personal interaction is becoming increasingly more achievable.
Chat Bots are becoming increasingly used by larger Businesses to engage with their customers and improve their Online user experience. The good news however, is that Small Businesses are able to utilise Chat Bots to achieve the same positive outcomes for their Businesses too.
Essentially, a Chat Bot aids a user through a text-based conversation, whether embedded on your site or through a messaging platform. It understands what the user is saying, and then responds with information or options for action. Think of it kind of like having a customer service department that never clocks off, which is one of the most appealing aspects of the tool for many Businesses.
Of Course, the one main thing that any Small Business Owner wants to know before investing in a new piece of technology, is whether or not it will benefit their bottom line in the long run.
Luckily, we’ve done the research for you, to help you determine whether you should be using a Chat Bot for your Website.
Your Products Or Services Could Be Hard To Understand
One of the best reasons for you to incorporate a Chat Bot into your Online Strategy is if you’re selling products or services that might require additional information or explanation.
Whether you’re in the finance, medical or industrial industry, if you’re finding that your customers are generally emailing or calling you with a lot of questions, then a Chat Bot could provide you with the perfect solution.
When it comes to optimising your Website for the best chance of success, you want to make your visitors’ purchasing process as simple as possible. Why? Because the more steps they have to take to justify their purchase, they less likely they are to buy. And if they’re left with a huge number of questions or concerns when they land on your Website, this is a big roadblock to a sale.
Rather than confronting your users with huge slabs of information text that will likely put them off altogether, a Chat Bot can explain your product in a simplified way that can help them understand the benefits of your products in an unintimidating, conversational interaction. They can also answer any questions the user may have instantly – bonus!
You Want To Improve Your Online Customer Service
With so many Small Businesses fighting for attention in the Online Space, one of the best ways to stand out from your competition is with superior customer service. A Chat Bot can often help to fill the gap that is often present when it comes to customer service in Online experiences.
Think about it, one of the best ways to engage with your customers is through a face-to-face conversation. They can get to know you, your brand and grow to trust your Business. Online, all you have is a glowing screen to do the work for you. A Chat Bot however, adds that personal touch you may be looking for to enhance your visitors experience.
Furthermore, a Chat Bot can quickly answer most of your potential customers questions, meaning they won’t have to wait for an email or a phone call to get the answers they’re looking for. This won’t just help to increase your Business’s likability, but also increase the likelihood of making a sale.
You Stock A Lot Of Products And Services
Almost nothing is less appealing to a potential customer than being faced with the prospect of searching through a tonne of Webpages to find what they’re looking for. If you have a plethora of products or services that force your Site visitors to sift through your Site, then a Chat Bot could be the answer.
It is absolutely vital that you make your users experience on your Website as simplified as possible. If they can’t find what they’re looking for within a few clicks, then you’ve essentially lost a sale. It sounds cut-throat, but it’s the truth. A Chat Bot can significantly reduce the time it takes for a visitor to find what they’re looking for on your Site. The Bot simply pops up, asks them what they’re looking for and then BAM – the customer is re-directed to the exact product or service they were looking for.
You Want To Forge Stronger Relationships With Customers
It’s hard to build strong customer relationships Online. Technology really can minimise any personality or character that is so critical when it comes to forging a close connection with your target audience.
If you’re finding that you’re struggling to maintain this close relationships with customers through your Website, then investing in a Chat Bot could potentially be very beneficial for your Business.
One of the great things about the advancements that are occurring in Artificial Intelligence is that there’s now the potential to customise your Chat Bot to reflect the voice and character of your brand. This helps to create that all important connection, trust and emotional attachment between the customer and your Business, which can increase your sales and turn people into repeat buyers.
You Want More Opportunities To Sell
Up-selling and cross-selling products is something that often gets overlooked in a Small Business Owners Online Strategy, which can seriously affect your bottom line. If you think that missing out on potential opportunities to upsell your products, then you might find a Chat Bot a useful tool.
Chat Bots have the ability to register the products or services your user is searching for, or looking at. Armed with this information, the Bot can then make friendly and helpful recommendations as to other products the customer may be interested in purchasing. The customer then has the chance to view products they may not have even known you had!
This kind of interaction could significantly increase your selling potential and increase your opportunities to sell.
If you’re looking to achieve any of the following, whether it be increased customer service or simplifying your visitors shopping experience, then a Chat Bot could be a great investment for your Small Business. It’s important to note however, that the technology should be implemented correctly. Make sure you work closely with your Web Developers to ensure the Bot is of a high standard and fits well within your Business Model.