Why Every Small Business Needs Amazing Email Hosting

In today’s digital world, it’s absolutely vital for every Small Business owner to be able to manage, run and organise their Business online. Despite the amazing technological advancements over recent years, one of the very best ways to ensure smooth management of your Business is still with – you guessed it, the humble Email.

Emails are absolutely essential for efficient communication between you and your customers, taking payments, contacting staff and sending important marketing content, such as newsletters, blogs and offers or promotions that your Business is running. Essentially, your inbox is likely the most important ‘Homebase’ for any Small Business Owner.

With greater demands being placed on Email Hosts to provide an exceptional service, Email has quietly been undergoing major improvements and advancements, which have taken this once very basic service to a whole new level!

If you’re experiencing problems with your Email Hosting that have you pulling out your hair in frustration, then it could be time that you reconsider your Email Provider. We’ve written this great blog explaining EXACTLY why you need to have World Class Email Hosting and how it can help you achieve Small Business Success!

Amazing Uptime

Amazing Uptime

If Emails are the lifeblood of your Business, then it’s absolutely critical that you have access to your inbox whenever and wherever you need it. One of the major issues with poor Email Hosting is the amount of ‘Downtime’ that renders you unable to access your Emails at all. And, as a Small Businesses who probably relies heavily on the use of Email, losing access to your inbox is more than just inconvenient – it’s likely losing you business.

Having a high-quality Email Provider will ensure that your Emails are up and running smoothly, meaning you can continue to run your Business seamlessly. You should never settle for an Email Host that cannot guarantee 99.99% uptime. If your current Host doesn’t then it’s probably time to give them the boot.

Simple Set-Up and Manageable Interface

Simple Set-Up and Manageable Interface

As a busy Small Business Owner, you don’t have the time to be fiddling with confusing categories and losing important Emails and invoices within your inbox. You’ve got more important things to be doing!

And this is where superior Email Hosting comes in. A truly great Email Provider will give you access to an inbox interface which is clean, user-friendly and feel like a breeze to use. They will likely offer a range of features, such as options to categorise your messages and use folders, flags and labels to easily organise your mail.

Furthermore, it will be simple to migrate from your existing Email Provider, without laborious setup, loss of time, or loss of productivity. Great Email Hosting should provide an excellent migration service, coordinating with you throughout the entire process to ensure your switch is a smooth one.

No More Spam

No More Spam

Ahhh, the dreaded spam! No one likes opening up their inbox to find 97 new Emails in their inbox since lunch time selling them things they don’t need. But unfortunately, that’s one of the realities of poor Email Hosting services: they just can’t cut through the spam.

On the other hand, a high-quality Email Provider will be able to give you Anti-Spam Guard protection, meaning it can filter out those pesky spam messages that are wasting so much of your precious time and inbox space!

Superior Technical Support and Assistance

Superior Technical Support and Assistance

When it comes to your Email Hosting, you should think of your Provider like any other host. It may sound strange, but you should expect the same level of attentiveness and regard from your Email Host as you would from, say, someone who has invited you over to their house for a dinner party.

You want an Email Provider who you can communicate with easily and effective if you need technical support. Ideally, they will be located in the same country as you, so you don’t encounter issues with time zones or language barriers.

If your Emails go down, or you require assistance of any kind, a great Email Host will provide you with the excellent service you need for peace of mind.

Great Additional Features

Great Additional Features

These days, it’s all about the additional extras, and World Class Email Hosting can really bring you the goods!

If your current Provider offers little by way of exciting additional extras, then you really should consider migrating. Most Email Hosts who really want to look after their clients will be offering a whole suite of added benefits, such as powerful search tools, additional software, instant chat capabilities and a wealth of templates. All of these features can take any Small Business Owners Email experience to the next level, helping you to best manage and run your Business.

After reading this blog there should be no doubt in your mind that superior, World Class Web Hosting really is essential for every Small Business Owner. With almost 100% of customer communication occurring online these days, you really want your Emails to be performing at an optimum level! And a great Email Host will give you exactly this – and so much more!